Who we are

This domain is owned by MSM Fundraising, LLC. This domain is only used for delivering customer generated email from our customer’s web servers in a responsible manner. Our customers are companies that conduct fundraising activities for schools, churches, bands, FFA groups and more. MSM Fundraising, LLC provides an online presence for these companies for all forward facing and backend servicing activities. To learn more about MSM Fundraising, LLC visit MSMFundraising.com.


We collect email addresses and/or cell phone numbers for texting on behalf of our customer strictly for the purpose of their fundraising event. Customers must Opt-In to provide this information. Email addresses and cell phone numbers are deleted at the end of each fundraising season. We do not share email addresses or cell phone numbers with anyone outside of the immediate company performing the fundraising event for their customer. Also, we do not SPAM or send any kind of unsolicited email or text once the fundraising season is over.


No cookies are created on your device for this domain when sending email and/or texts for a fundraising event.

Who we share your data with

Just to restate, we do not share your data with ANYONE.

How long we retain your data

Customer email addresses and text are deleted at the end of the fundraising season.

What rights you have over your data

You own your “data” of course and you can unsubscribe from fundraising email and/or fundraising text for your event at any time. However, if you do, you will no longer be able to see progress on your fundraising event.